Faeq presents his poster at Research Day in NUI Galway
Faeq attended the “6th annual NUI Galway – University of Limerick Alliance Research Day” which took place on April 29th 2016 in the Analog building in UL. He submitted an…
Faeq attended the “6th annual NUI Galway – University of Limerick Alliance Research Day” which took place on April 29th 2016 in the Analog building in UL. He submitted an…
Faeq participated in the first day of the “Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival 2016“. He along with other Lero PhD students talked about Lero and their own research areas. They also…
iRENIC is the 1st International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Investigating and Countering Crime, Beijing, China, September 12, 2016. In association with the 24th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference.
Sorren presented “Adaptive Evidence Collection in the Cloud Using Attack Scenarios” at the 5th Asian Workshop of Advanced Software Engineering (AWASE2016), Nara, Japan, March 19-20.
Liliana and Bashar attended the IFIP Working Group 2.9 on Software Requirements Engineering. The group met in Recife, Brazil, between 22-25 February 2016. Liliana was an invited speaker and her…
Liliana presented a demo of “Topology Aware Adaptive Security” at the Lero Launch.
The keynote was titled, “Software without Boundaries: engineering secure invisible software”.
Bashar received the 2015 ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award at ICSE. The Distinguished Service Award is presented to an individual who has contributed dedicated and important service to the software…