Liliana Pasquale gave the keynote address at the International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering (FormaliSE 2021), which was co-located with the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), virtually, on 21st May 2021.

In her keynote, which was titled “Towards Formalising Sustainable Security”, Liliana spoke about how “CPS [Cyber-Physical Systems] should be designed to adapt their security controls dynamically, in order to continuously protect valuable assets from harm and satisfy security goals at runtime (during execution).” To this end, she proposed “the notion of sustainable security systems. Such systems will be capable of detecting new/changing threats and identify effective security controls dynamically. Also, they will endure engagement of the stakeholders in their operation and use.” Her keynote also explored “existing key research approaches that have been proposed to: • Formalise adaptive security (cyber-physical) systems and detect/mitigate unexpected security threats at runtime • Support runtime verification of large-scale (cyber-physical) systems • Assure and explain adaptive security systems.”

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