Security | Privacy | Forensics | Adaptation | Requirements | Theses | Other
- Kushal Ramkumar, Wanling Cai, John McCarthy, Gavin Doherty, Bashar Nuseibeh, Liliana Pasquale,
Towards Using Inductive Learning to Adapt Security Controls in Smart Homes,
ICSE, SEAMS. 2025 - Tamara Lopez, Helen Sharp, Arosha Bandara, Thein Tun, Mark Levine, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Security Responses in Software Development,
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2023. - Alzubair Hassan, Rafik Hamza, Fagen Li, Awad Ali, Mohammed Bakri, Samar Alghtani, Tawfeeg Mohmmed, and Adil Yousif,
A Secure User Authentication Protocol for Heterogeneous Mobile Environments,
IEEE Access. 2022. - Mazen Azzam, Liliana Pasquale, Gregory Provan, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Efficient Predictive Monitoring of Linear Time-Invariant Systems Under Stealthy Attacks,
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2023. - Thein Than Tun, Amel Bennaceur, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
OASIS: Weakening User Obligations for Security-critical Systems,
28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2020), 31 August-4 September 2020, Zurich, Switzerland. - Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen
An Anatomy of Security Conversations in Stack Overflow,
IEEE Software (Early access). - Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen
Taking the Middle Path: Learning about Security Through Online Social Interaction,
The 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’19), pp. 31–40,
Montréal, Canada, May 2019. - Amel Bennaceur, Thein Than Tun, Arosha K. Bandara, Yijun Yu, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Feature-Driven Mediator Synthesis: Supporting Collaborative Security in the Internet of Things,
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2(3): 21:1-21:25 (2018). - Thein Tun, Mu Yang, Arosha Bandara, Yijun Yu, Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Niamul Khan, Khaled M. Khan, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Requirements and Specifications for Adaptive Security: Concepts and Analysis,
13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’18),
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018.
(Best Research Paper Award) - Fayola Peters, Thein Than Tun, Yijun Yu, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Text Filtering and Ranking for Security Bug Report Prediction,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1, December 2017. - Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, Edoardo Pasi, Christos Tsigkanos, Menouer Boubekeur,
Blanca Florentino, Tarik Hadzic, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Topology Aware Access Control of Smart Spaces,
IEEE Computer, 50(7), pp.54-63, July 2017. - Christos Tsigkanos, Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
On the Interplay Between Cyber and Physical Spaces for Adaptive Security,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. PP, no. 99, pp.1-1, 2016. - Yijun Yu, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, Thein Than Tun, Roel Wieringa, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Automated analysis of security requirements through risk-based argumentation,
Journal of Systems and Software, 106: 102-116, August 2015. - Liliana Pasquale, Paola Spoletini, Mazeiar Salehie, Luca Cavallaro, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Automating Trade-Off Analysis of Security Requirements,
Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer London, 2015. - Christos Tsigkanos, Liliana Pasquale, Claudio Menghi, Carlo Ghezzi, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Engineering Topology Aware Adaptive Security: Preventing Requirements Violations at Runtime,
22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’14),
Karlskrona, Sweden, August 25-29, pp. 203-212, IEEE Computer Society, 2014. - Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, Claudio Menghi, Christos Tsigkanos and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Topology Aware Adaptive Security,
9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’14),
Hyderabad, India, 2-3 June 2014. - Mazeiar Salehie, Liliana Pasquale, Inah Omoronyia, Raian Ali, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Requirements-driven adaptive security: protecting variable assets at runtime,
20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’12),
Chicago, USA, September 2012. - Liliana Pasquale, Mazeiar Salehie, Raian Ali, Inah Omoronyia, Bashar Nuseibeh,
On the Role of Primary and Secondary Assets in Adaptive Security: An Application in Smart Grids,
7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’12),
Zurich, Switzerland, Jun 4-5, pp. 165-170, ACM, 2012. - Liliana Pasquale, Claudio Menghi, Mazeiar Salehie, Luca Cavallaro, Inah Omoronyia, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security,
ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE’12),
North Carolina, USA, 2012. - Franqueira, Virginia Nunes Leas; Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun; Wieringa, Roel and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Risk and argument: a risk-based argumentation method for practical security,
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering,
Trento, Italy, September 2011.
- Mazen Azzam, Liliana Pasquale, Gregory Provan, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Grounds for Suspicion: Physics-based Early Warnings for Stealthy Attacks on Industrial Control Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2022. - Thein Than Tun, Amel Bennaceur, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
OASIS: Weakening User Obligations for Security-critical Systems,
28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE 2020), 31 August-4 September 2020, Zurich, Switzerland. - Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen
An Anatomy of Security Conversations in Stack Overflow,
IEEE Software (Early access). - Lopez, Tamara; Tun, Thein; Bandara, Arosha; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Sharp, Helen
Taking the Middle Path: Learning about Security Through Online Social Interaction,
The 41st ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’19), pp. 31–40,
Montréal, Canada, May 2019. - Amel Bennaceur, Thein Than Tun, Arosha K. Bandara, Yijun Yu, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Feature-Driven Mediator Synthesis: Supporting Collaborative Security in the Internet of Things,
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2(3): 21:1-21:25 (2018). - Thein Tun, Mu Yang, Arosha Bandara, Yijun Yu, Armstrong Nhlabatsi, Niamul Khan, Khaled M. Khan, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Requirements and Specifications for Adaptive Security: Concepts and Analysis,
13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’18),
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018.
(Best Research Paper Award) - Fayola Peters, Thein Than Tun, Yijun Yu, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Text Filtering and Ranking for Security Bug Report Prediction,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1, December 2017. - Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, Edoardo Pasi, Christos Tsigkanos, Menouer Boubekeur,
Blanca Florentino, Tarik Hadzic, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Topology Aware Access Control of Smart Spaces,
IEEE Computer, 50(7), pp.54-63, July 2017. - Christos Tsigkanos, Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
On the Interplay Between Cyber and Physical Spaces for Adaptive Security,
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. PP, no. 99, pp.1-1, 2016. - Yijun Yu, Virginia N. L. Franqueira, Thein Than Tun, Roel Wieringa, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Automated analysis of security requirements through risk-based argumentation,
Journal of Systems and Software, 106: 102-116, August 2015. - Liliana Pasquale, Paola Spoletini, Mazeiar Salehie, Luca Cavallaro, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Automating Trade-Off Analysis of Security Requirements,
Requirements Engineering Journal, Springer London, 2015. - Christos Tsigkanos, Liliana Pasquale, Claudio Menghi, Carlo Ghezzi, Bashar Nuseibeh,
Engineering Topology Aware Adaptive Security: Preventing Requirements Violations at Runtime,
22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’14),
Karlskrona, Sweden, August 25-29, pp. 203-212, IEEE Computer Society, 2014. - Liliana Pasquale, Carlo Ghezzi, Claudio Menghi, Christos Tsigkanos and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Topology Aware Adaptive Security,
9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’14),
Hyderabad, India, 2-3 June 2014. - Mazeiar Salehie, Liliana Pasquale, Inah Omoronyia, Raian Ali, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Requirements-driven adaptive security: protecting variable assets at runtime,
20th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’12),
Chicago, USA, September 2012. - Liliana Pasquale, Mazeiar Salehie, Raian Ali, Inah Omoronyia, Bashar Nuseibeh,
On the Role of Primary and Secondary Assets in Adaptive Security: An Application in Smart Grids,
7th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’12),
Zurich, Switzerland, Jun 4-5, pp. 165-170, ACM, 2012. - Liliana Pasquale, Claudio Menghi, Mazeiar Salehie, Luca Cavallaro, Inah Omoronyia, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
SecuriTAS: a tool for engineering adaptive security,
ACM SIGSOFT 20th International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE’12),
North Carolina, USA, 2012. - Franqueira, Virginia Nunes Leas; Tun, Thein Than; Yu, Yijun; Wieringa, Roel and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Risk and argument: a risk-based argumentation method for practical security,
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering,
Trento, Italy, September 2011.
- Perera, Charith; Barhamgi, Mahmoud; Bandara, Arosha; Ajmal, Muhammed; Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar
Designing Privacy-aware Internet of Things Applications,
Information Sciences, 512, 238-257. - Luke Hutton, Blaine A. Price, Ryan Kelly, Ciaran McCormick, Arosha K. Bandara, Tally Hatzakis,
Maureen Meadows, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Assessing the Privacy of mHealth Apps for Self-Tracking: Heuristic Evaluation Approach,
JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2018;6(10):e185 - Fayola Peters, Sorren Hanvey, Suresh Veluru, Alie El-din Mady, Menouer Boubekeur, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Generating Privacy Zones in Smart Cities,
4th IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), Kansas City, USA, 16-19 Sept. 2018 (DOI: 10.1109/ISC2.2018.8656830). - Price, Blaine A.; Stuart, Avelie; Calikli, Gul; McCormick, Ciaran; Mehta, Vikram; Hutton, Luke;
Bandara, Arosha K.; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Logging you, logging me: a replicable study of privacy and sharing behaviour in groups of visual lifeloggers,
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2017. - Charith Perera, Ciaran McCormick, Arosha K. Bandara, Blaine A. Price, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Privacy-by-Design Framework for Assessing Internet of Things Applications and Platforms,
6th International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT’16), pp. 83–92, ACM,
New York, USA, 2016. - William B. Glisson, Tim Storer, Andrew Blyth, George Grispos, and Matt Campbell,
In-The-Wild Residual Data Research and Privacy,
Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law: Vol. 11: No. 1, Article 1, 2016. - Gul Calikli, Mark Law, Arosha K. Bandara, Alessandra Russo, Luke Dickens, Blaine A. Price,
Avelie Stuart, Mark Levine, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Privacy Dynamics: Learning Privacy Norms for Social Software,
11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’16),
Austin, Texas, USA, May 2016. - Mehta, Vikram; Bandara, Arosha; Price, Blaine and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Privacy Itch and Scratch: On Body Privacy Warnings and Controls,
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
San Jose, California, USA, May 2016. - Mahmoud Barhamgi, Arosha K. Bandara, Yijun Yu, Khalid Belhajjame, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Protecting Privacy in the Cloud: Current Practices, Future Directions,
IEEE Computer, 49(2): 68-72, February 2016. - Sorren Hanvey and Néstor Cataño,
Identifying Transitivity Threats in Social Networks,
1st International Workshop on TEchnical and LEgal aspects of data pRIvacy and SEcurity (TELERISE’15),
co-located with ICSE 2015, Florence, Italy, May 2015. - Fayola Peters, Tim Menzies, and Lucas Layman,
LACE2: Better Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing for Cross Project Defect Prediction,
37th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’15),
Florence, Italy, May 2015. - Inah Omoronyia, Luca Cavallaro, Mazeiar Salehie, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Engineering Adaptive Privacy: on the role of privacy awareness requirements,
The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’13),
San Francisco, USA, May 2013. - Inah Omoronyia, Liliana Pasquale, Mazeiar Salehie, Luca Cavallaro, Gavin Doherty, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Caprice: a tool for engineering adaptive privacy,
27th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’12),
Essen, Germany, September 2012. - Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Thomas, Keerthi; Joinson, Adam N.; Price, Blaine A.;
Bandara, Arosha K.; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz; Nuseibeh, Bashar,
In the best families: tracking and relationships,
ACM International conference on Huamn Factors in Computing,
Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 2011. - Mancini, Clara; Rogers, Yvonne; Bandara, Arosha; Coe, Tony; Jedrzejczyk, Lukasz;
Joinson, Adam; Price, Blaine; Thomas, Keerthi and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Contravision: Exploring users’ reactions to futuristic technology,
The 28th International Conference on Human factors in computing systems,
Atlanta Georgia, USA, April 2010. - Price, Blaine A.; Stuart, Avelie; Calikli, Gul; McCormick, Ciaran; Mehta, Vikram; Hutton, Luke; Bandara, Arosha K.; Levine, Mark; Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Logging you, logging me: a replicable study of privacy and sharing behaviour in groups of visual lifeloggers,
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2017.
- Davi Monteiro, Yijun Yu, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Adaptive Observability for Forensic-Ready Microservice Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 2023. - Mazen Azzam, Liliana Pasquale, Gregory Provan, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Forensic Readiness of Industrial Control Systems Under Stealthy Attacks,
Computers and Security. 2023. - Fanny Rivera-Ortiz,
Engineering Forensic-Ready Software Systems Using Automated Logging,
Doctoral Symposium collocated with the 28th International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2022),
Aston, Birmingham, UK, March 2022. - Fanny Rivera-Ortiz and Liliana Pasquale,
Automated Modelling of Security Incidents to represent Logging Requirements in Software Systems,
FARES workshop collocated with the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability, and Security (ARES’20). August 2020. - Faeq Alrimawi, Liliana Pasquale, Deepak Mehta, Nobukazu Yoshioka, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Incidents Are Meant for Learning, Not Repeating: Sharing Knowledge About Security Incidents in Cyber-Physical Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2020. - Yu, Yijun; Barthaud, Danny; Price, Blaine; Bandara, Arosha; Zisman, Andrea and Nuseibeh, Bashar
LiveBox: A Self-Adaptive Forensic-Ready Service for Drones,
IEEE Access (Early Access). - Fanny Rivera-Ortiz, and Liliana Pasquale,
Towards Automated Logging for Forensic-Ready Software Systems,
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Evolving Security and Privacy Requirements Engineering (ESPRE’19). Collocated with the 27th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’19).
Jeju Island, South Korea, September 2019. - Faeq Alrimawi, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
On the Automated Management of Security Incidents in Smart Spaces,
IEEE Access, 7(1), 2019. - Liliana Pasquale, Dalal Alrajeh, Claudia Peersman, Thein Than Tun, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Awais Rashid,
Towards Forensic-Ready Software Systems,
40th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE:NIER), pp. 9-12,
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018. - Faeq Alrimawi, Liliana Pasquale, Deepak Mehta, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
I’ve Seen This Before: Sharing Cyber-Physical Incident Knowledge,
1st International Workshop on Security Awareness from Design to Deployment (SEAD’18),
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018. - Dalal Alrajeh, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
On Evidence Preservation Requirements for Forensic-Ready Systems,
ESEC/FSE 2017 Proceedings of the 11th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, pp. 559–569,
Paderborn, Germany, September 2017. - George Grispos, Sorren Hanvey, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Use of Organisational Topologies for Forensic Investigations,
1st ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Engineering and Digital Forensics (SERF’17),
Paderborn, Germany, 2017. - Grispos, George, Jesus Garca-Galan, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Are you Ready? Towards the Engineering of Forensic-Ready Systems,
11th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’17),
Brighton, United Kingdom, May 2017. - Faeq Alrimawi, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Software Engineering Challenges For Investigating Cyber-Physical Incidents,
3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS’17),
Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2017. - Liliana Pasquale, Sorren Hanvey, Mark Mcgloin, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Adaptive Evidence Collection in the Cloud Using Attack Scenarios,
Computers and Security, 59, 236-254, 2016. - Pasquale, Liliana; Yu, Yijun; Salehie, Mazeiar; Cavallaro, Luca; Tun, Thein Than and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Requirements-driven Adaptive Digital Forensics,
21st IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.
(Best Poster Award)
- Carlos Gavidia-Calderon, Anastasia Kordoni, Amel Bennaceur, Mark Levine, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
The IDEA of Us: An Identity-Aware Architecture for Autonomous Systems,
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering & Methodology, 33(6): 1-28, July 2024. - Dhaminda B. Abeywickrama, Amel Bennaceur, Greg Chance, Yiannis Demiris, Anastasia Kordoni, Mark Levine, Luke Moffat, Luc Moreau, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, Bashar Nuseibeh, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Jan Oliver Ringert, James Wilson, Shane Windsor, and Kerstin Eder,
On Specifying for Trustworthiness,
Communications of the ACM, 67(1): 98–109, January 2024. - Thomas Welsh, Faeq Alrimawi, Ali Farahani, Diane Hasset, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Topology-Aware Adaptive Inspection for Fraud in I4.0 Supply Chains,
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2022. - Alzubair Hassan, Bashar Nuseibeh, Liliana Pasquale,
Engineering Adaptive Authentication,
IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOS-C). 2021. - Thomas Welsh, Faeq Alrimawi, Ali Farahani, Diane Hasset, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Towards Adaptive Inspection for Fraud in I4.0 Supply Chains,
The 26th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA),
Virtual (originally: Västerås, Sweden), September 2021. - Ali Farahani, Liliana Pasquale, Amel Bennaceur, Thomas Welsh, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
On Adaptive Fairness in Software Systems,
The 16th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’21),
Virtual (originally: Mardid, Spain), May 2021. - Paulo Maia, Lucas Vieira, Matheus Chagas, Yijun Yu, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Cautious Adaptation of Defiant Components,
The 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019),
San Diego, California, USA, Nov 2019. - Paulo Maia, Lucas Vieira, Matheus Chagas, Yijun Yu, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Dragonfly: a Tool for Simulating Self-Adaptive Drone Behaviours,
The 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’19),
IEEE pp. 107–113, Montréal, Canada, May 2019. - Bennaceur, Amel; Ghezzi, Carlo; Tei, Kenji; Kehrer, Timo; Weyns, Danny; Calinescu, Radu; Dustdar, Schahram; Honiden, Shinichi; Ishikawa, Fuyuki; Jin, Zhi; Kramer, Jeffrey; Litoiu, Marin; Loreti, Michele; Moreno, Gabriel; Muller, Hausi; Nenzi, Laura; Nuseibeh, Bashar; Pasquale, Liliana; Reisig, Wolfgang; Schmidt, Heinz; Tsigkanos, Christos and Zhao, Haiyan Zhao
Modelling and Analysing Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems,
The 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’19),
Montréal, Canada, May 2019. - Bennaceur, Amel; Zisman, Andrea; Mccormick, Ciaran; Barthaud, Danny and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Won’t Take No for an Answer: Resource-driven Requirements Adaptation,
The 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’19),
Montréal, Canada, May 2019. - Xin Peng, Jingxiao Gu, Tian Huat Tan, Jun Sun, Yijun Yu, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Wenyun Zhao,
CrowdService: Optimizing Mobile Crowdsourcing and Service Composition,
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 18(2): 19:1-19:25 (2018). - Aimee Borda, Liliana Pasquale, Vasileios Koutavas, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Compositional Verification of Self-Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems,
13th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’18),
Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2018. - Jesús García Galán, Liliana Pasquale, George Grispos and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Towards Adaptive Compliance,
11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’16),
Austin, Texas, USA, May 2016. - Amel Bennaceur, Ciaran McCormick, Jesús García Galán, Charith Perera, Andrew Smith, Andrea Zisman, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Feed me, Feed me: An Exemplar for Engineering Adaptive Software,
11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’16),
Austin, Texas, USA, May 2016. - Jesús García Galán, Liliana Pasquale, Pablo Trinidad and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés,
User-centric Adaptation Analysis of Multi-tenant Services,
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Vol. 10, No.4, 2016. - Jesús García Galán, Liliana Pasquale, Pablo Trinidad and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés,
User-centric Adaptation of Multi-tenant Services: Preference-based Analysis for Service Reconfiguration,
9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS’14),
Hyderabad, India, June 2014.
(Best Paper Award) - Ali, Raian; Solis, Carlos; Omoronyia, Inah; Salehie, Mazeiar and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Social adaptation: when software gives users a voice,
The 7th International Conference Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE’12),
Wroclaw, Poland, June 2012. - Ali, Raian; Solís, Carlos; Salehie, Mazeiar; Omoronyia, Inah; Nuseibeh, Bashar and Maalej, Walid,
Social sensing: when users become monitors,
The 13th European Conference on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2011),
Szeged, Hungary, September 2011.
- Faeq Alrimawi and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Requirements For Designing Kind Spaces,
5th International Workshop on Affective Computing in Requirements Engineering (AffectRE’23),
in conjunction with RE’23, Hannover, Germany. September 2023. - Diane Hassett, Amel Bennaceur, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Feel It, Code It: Emotional Goal Modelling for Gender-Inclusive Design,
29th International Working Conference on Requirement Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ). Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain. April 2023. - Vanessa Ayala-Rivera, and Liliana Pasquale,
“The Grace Period Has Ended”: An Approach to Operationalize GDPR Requirements,
26th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’18),
Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 2018. - Yehia Elrakaiby, Alessio Ferrari, Paola Spoletini, Stefania Gnesi, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Using Argumentation to Explain Ambiguity in Requirements Elicitation Interviews,
25th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’17),
Lisbon, Portugal, September 2017. - Chen, Lianping; Babar, Muhmmad Ali; Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Characterizing architecturally significant requirements,
IEEE Software; 30(2), pp. 38-45. 2013. - Yang, Hui; De Roeck, Anne; Gervasi, Vincenzo; Willis, Alistair and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Extending Nocuous Ambiguity Analysis for Anaphora in Natural Language Requirements,
The 18th International IEEE Requirements Engineering Conference (RE’10),
Sydney, Australia, October 2010. - Yang, Hui; Willis, Alistair; De Roeck, Anne; Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Automatic detection of nocuous coordination ambiguities in natural language requirements,
The 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE’10),
Antwerp, Belgium, September 2010.
- Mazen Azzam, Physics-based Early Warnings for Forensic Readiness in Industrial Control Systems,
under the supervision of: Bashar Nuseibeh, Liliana Pasquale, and Gregory Provan. UL. 2022. - Faeq Alrimawi, Software engineering for forensic-ready cyber-physical systems,
under the supervision of: Bashar Nuseibeh and Liliana Pasquale. UL. 2020.
- Faeq Alrimawi and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Meta-Modelling Kindness,
27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), 2024. - Hannes Werthner, Carlo Ghezzi, Jeff Kramer, Julian Nida-Rümelin, Bashar Nuseibeh, Erich Prem, and Allison Stanger (eds),
An Introduction to Digital Humanism,
Springer, 2024. - Matthew Ivory, John Towse, Miriam Sturdee, Mark Levine, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Recognizing the Known Unknowns; the Interaction Between Reflective Thinking and Optimism for Uncertainty Among Software Developer’s Security Perceptions,
Technology, Mind, and Behaviour, Volume 4, Issue 3. - Faeq Alrimawi and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Kind Computing,
44th International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE:NIER),
2022. - Michael Edmund O’Callaghan, Jim Buckley, Brian Fitzgerald, Kevin Johnson, John Laffey, Bairbre McNicholas, Bashar Nuseibeh, Derek O’Keeffe, Ian O’Keeffe, Abdul Razzaq, Kaavya Rekaner, Ita Richardson, Andrew Simpkin, Cristiano Storni, Damyanka Tsvyatkova, Jane Walsh, Thomas Welsh, and Liam Glynn,
A National Survey of attitudes to COVID-19 Digital Contact Tracing in the Republic of Ireland,
Irish Journal of Medical Science, 190(3), 863-887. 2020. - Thomas Welsh and Elhadj Benkhelifa,
On Resilience in Cloud Computing: A survey of techniques across the Cloud Domain,
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 53(3), 1-36. 2020. - Denise Wilkins, Bashar Nuseibeh, and Mark Levine,
Monetize This? Marketized-Commons Platforms, New Opportunities and Challenges for Collective Action,
21st international Conference on Human-Computer Interaction,
Orlando, Florida, USA 26-31 July 2019, Springer. - Christos Tsigkanos, Timo Kehrer, Carlo Ghezzi, Liliana Pasquale, and Bashar Nuseibeh,
Adding Static and Dynamic Semantics to Building Information Models,
2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS’16),
Austin, Texas, May 17, 2016. - Achille Frigeri, Liliana Pasquale, and Paola Spoletini,
Fuzzy Time in Linear Temporal Logic,
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2014. - Salehie, Mazeiar; Pasquale, Liliana; Omoronyia, Inah and Nuseibeh, Bashar,
Adaptive security and privacy in smart grids: A software engineering vision,
The 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering for the Smart Grid (SE4SG 2012),
Zurich, Switzerland, June 2012.